To my mind the most critical question, from a normative perspective, that to me as a Muslim is very important is this : If we use the concept of 'reasonableness' as an epistemic cum hermeneutical category to evaluate ISIS interpretation of Islam ( which is ahl-hadith salafi manhaj) , can we say that is it reasonable viz a viz the majority /mainstream view ( based on madhhab based approach) ? My answer to this question , as much as it pains me, is yes (for reasons that I discuss in my book). I would LOVE to be proven wrong. I think there is an understandable tendency to disassociate oneself from ISIS and one way to do it is to exaggerate the manhaj based differences between neo-madhhab based manhaj and that of ahl-hadith based manhaj ( which ISIS represents) that is just not warranted by examination of evidence, especially in relation to hudud and gender relations. this does not mean that contemporary proponents of madhahb based manhaj endorse the kind of means justifies the ends logic operative ISIS and their approach to jihad ( in sense of warfare- i am aware of the 600 page rebuttal of extremists concept of jihad by that Malasian Oxford scholar whose name escapes me). What I am trying to say is this: because classical madhhab mahaj ( as described in my book) is the what it is , it makes the ISI manhaj 'reasonable' . by contrast if measured against ,progressive madhhab based manhaj ( as decribed in my book) , SISI manhaj would be very much unreasonable . What I sincerley hope is that the emergence of ISIS type of interpretations will be a wake up call for those who uncritically uphold madhhab based manhaj and finally understand the merits of reformist scholars like Abu Zayd, Hassan Hanafi, AK Soroush, Abdulaziz Sachedina, Mohsen Kadivar, Abou EL Fadl, Ebrahim Moosa , M. Shahrour , M . Talbi, M. AL Jabiri, Al-Marzuki , Fzrul Rahman, Y.Eshkevari , Ali Ashgar Engineer , feminist Muslim women ( Asma BAralas, Amina Wadud, Keci Ali ) who have been exposing the loss of 'resonableness' of classical madhahb manhaj in the context of a modern espiteme condition for a very long time !

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