Dr Salmane Bounaamane

Dr Salmane Bounaamane is a Moroccan writer and researcher of political and social sciences. He was born in 1984 in Casablanca, Morocco. He received his master’s degree in public law from the University of Hassan II Casablanca in Morocco, and received his PhD in political sciences from the same university. Bounaamane is a founding researcher at the Moroccan Center for Contemporary Studies and Researches (CMERC). He served as a general coordinator and member at the scientific supervision committee of the religious status report 2007-2008 that was published by CMERC in 2010. He also served as associate researcher during the preparation and editing stages of the same report. Bounaamane furthermore served as a scientific supervisor and subject matter researcher in the project titled: The 2014 Strategic Report on Youth in the Arab World (it will be published soon by the Bahraini Future Youth Center. He is also a founding researcher and member of the advisory board at the Center of Family Studies and Research in Values and Law, founding member and scientific advisor at Al-Idrissi Intellectual Foundation for Studies and Research, advisory board member at Future Youth Center for Studies, researches and Development. Bounaamane is a principal researcher at Namaa (Improvement) Center for Research and Studies, and he contributed in founding few scientific centers and associations in addition to launching various intellectual initiatives. 

He published peer-reviewed studies and researches in Arab and international scientific journals. He also authored publications issued by Namaa (Improvement) Center for Research and Studies, including; Al-Tajroba al-Yabaniya: Dirasa Fi Usus al-Namuthaj al-Nahdawi (Japanese Experiment: A Study In Renaissance Model), Falsafat al-Thawarat al-‘Arabiya: Muqaraba Tafsiriya Li Namuthaj Intifadi Jadid (Arab Revolutions Philosophy: Explanatory Comparison Towards New Revolutionary Model), As’ila Dawlat al-Rabi’ al-‘Arabi: Nahwa Namuthaj Li Isti’adat Nahdat al-Umma (Questions By Arab Spring Country: Towards A Model To Restore A Nation Renaissance), Al-Nahda al-Lughawiya Wa Khitab al-Talhij al-Francofoni: Fi Naqd al-Isti’mar al-Lughawi al-Jadid (Language Renaissance and Francophonie Discourse: Criticizing New Language Occupation), and As’ilat al-Manhaj Fi al-‘Ulum al-Ijtima’iya Wa al-Insaniya (Curriculum Questions In Humanities and Social Sciences. It included supervision, editing and participation in a collective work).